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for Books and Writers
by Bamber Gascoigne

Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)


American writer on mythology and comparative religion who gained fame with such works as The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1948), an examination of the archetype of the hero, The Masks of God (1959-1968), exploring the complex mythological heritage and its implications for modern humanity, and the multi-volume Historical Atlas of World Mythology (1989), of which only the sections on the early stages of human culture were completed. Joseph Campbell's theories were made popular with Public Broadcasting System series of television interviews with Bill Moyers. The PBS interviews were also published as a book, which became a bestseller.

"Read myths. They teach you that you can turn inward, and you begin to get the message of the symbols. Read other people's myths, not those of your own religion, because you tend to interpret your own religion in terms of facts - but if you read the other ones, you begin to get the message. Myth helps you to put your mind in touch with this experience of being alive. Myth tells you what the experience is." (from The Power of Myth)

Joseph Campbell was born in New York City, the son of Charles and Josephine Campbell. When he was a child, his father took him to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show at Madison Square Garden, and to the Museum of Natural History. At school Campbell principal interests were writing, biology, and mathematics.

By the age of twelve, Campbell became a reader of American Indian folklore. The family lived next door to the public library and Campbell used to borrow stacks of books from there. "I think that's where my life as a scholar began," he once said. About 1917 in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania he met Elmer Gregor, who had written books about American Indians. Gregor could communicate with Indian sign language. He became Campbell's first "guru," or teacher. Reading Dimitri Merejkowski novel The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci (1900) made Campbell to realize, that he didn't know anything about art and culture. "My whole world shifted with that book." (The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work, edited and with an introduction by Phil Cousineeu, 2003, p. 27)

Campbell devoted himself again mythology while working on a master's degree. In a college band he played saxophone. Before attending Columbia University, he traveled with his family through Central America and Europe. Campbell received his M.A. in English and medieval literature. He then returned to Europe for postgraduate study in Arthurian romances at the Universities of Paris and Munich. Campbell discovered that many themes in Arthurian legend resembled the basic motifs in American Indian folklore. The idea inspired Campbell in his unending study of such authors Thomas Mann and James Joyce, whose work he regarded as a kind of guide for his own interpretation of mythological material. Campbell was also caught up in the theories of Jung and Freud. Because much of the relevant literature was written in German, he learned to read and talk in German in three months.

Back in the United States Campbell retired for five years to Woodstock, New York, and Carmel, California. During this period he put together his guiding thesis that perceived mythology as "the song of the imagination." "I think of mythology as the homeland of the muses, the inspirers of art, the inspirers of poetry. To see life as a poem and yourself participating in a poem is what the myth does for you." (The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, with Bill Moyers, 1988, p. 65)

In 1931-32, on a journey across the country in his mother's Model T Ford, Campbell stopped in San Jose, where he met Adelle Davis. She introduced him to John and Carol Steinbeck and their neighbour, Ed Ricketts, with whom he traveled up coast of British Columbia to Alaska. In 1934 Campbell began teaching at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, where he remained for thirty-eight years. In 1938 he married Jean Erdman, one of his early students from Sarah Lawrence, who founded a dance company and school of her own.

Between 1956 and 1973 Campbell was a visiting lecturer at the Foreign Service Institute. In 1985 he received the National Arts Club medal for honor for literature and was elected in 1987 to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The popular PBS television program The Power of Myth was made in 1985 and 1986 mostly at the ranch of Campbell's friend, the film director George Lucas. Joseph Campbell died at age of eighty-three on October 31, 1987, at his home in Honolulu, Hawaii, after a brief illness.

Campbell's concept of the hero's journey was one of the sources for Luke Skywalker's story in Star Wars. Lucas read the book and listened to Campbell lectures on tape while writing the script for The Empire Strikes Back (1980). However, they did not meet until 1983. Lucas felt that the mythologist, whom he called "my Yoda," was much more powerful as a speaker than a writer.

Because Campbell had never seen any of the Star War movies, Lucas invited him as a guest to his Skywalker Ranch for a screening of the trilogy. "I tell you, I was really thrilled," Campbell said. ('Joseph Campbell, George Lucas and the Monomyth' by John Shelton Lawrence, in Finding the Force of the Star Wars Franchise: Fans, Merchandise, & Critics, edited by Matthew Kapell & John Shelton Lawrence, 2006,  pp. 21-34) He was especially impressed by the way Lucas dealt with the relationship between man and machine: is the machine going to be the servant or master of human life? Campbell thought that Lucas had put the newest and most powerful spin to the story of the hero: "Our computers, our tools, our machines are not enough. We have to rely on our intuition. our true being." (The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, with Bill Moyers, 1988, p. xiii)

His writing career Campbell began as a literary critic, co-authoring with Henry M. Robinson A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake (1944), a study of James Joyce's major novel. He then turned his attention to explicating the great myths of the world's religions in terms of Jungian concept of the collective unconscious. He also popularized the key discoveries and the psychology of Jung. Campbell saw that world's mythologies, ritual practices, folk traditions, and major religions share certain symbolic themes, motifs, and patterns of behavior. His theories influenced a wide range of writers around the world, among them the Finnish poet Pentti Saarikoski in his Tiarnia series.

The Hero with a Thousand Faces is often cited as Campbell's best book. It has sold nearly one million copies in various editions. Jung had a copy of the book.

Jung argued, that Freud's concept of unconscious mind can be extended into a collective unconscious, shared by the entire human species. On the other hand, James G. Frazer noted that certain patterns of mythic stories were spread worldwide. Campbell developed these ideas further, and discovered that many mythical heroes around the world share similar features. He juxtaposed these myths from Native Americans, ancient Greeks, Hindus, Buddhists, Mayans, Norse and Arthurian legends, and the Bible to elucidate the hero's path of adventure through rites of passage to final transfiguration. Like Jung, he saw the approach of old age as a step toward the time of wholeness and oneness.

From the late 1950s, Campbell began to work on his four-volume series, The Masks of God. Later he said: "It was horrible really, carrying one idea around in your head for twelve years, and never being able to allow yourself to think of anything else during that time." (The Innateness of Myth: A New Interpretation of Joseph Campbell's Reception of C.G. Jung by Ritske Rensma, 2009, p. 88) In Myths To Live By (1972) Campbell suggested that new myths would replace old ones, perhaps drawing symbols from modern technology. "I like to think of the year 1492 as marking the end – or at least the beginning of the end - of the authority of the old mythological systems by which the lives of men had been supported and inspired from time out of mind. Shortly after Columbus's epochal voyage, Magellan circumnavigated the globe. Shortly before, Vasco da Gama had sailed around Africa to India. The earth was beginning to be systematically explored, and the old, symbolic, mythological geographies discredited." (ibid., p. 6)

In 1954 Campbell met Carl Jung in Bollingen, where they had tea; Campbell had no trouble with him: "No 'Herr Doktor Professor.' He was just a genial host," recalled Campbell. "Jung was a beautiful man to be with. That's all I can say." (The Innateness of Myth: A New Interpretation of Joseph Campbell's Reception of C.G. Jung by Ritske Rensma, 2009, p. 88) They shared a mutual friend, Heinrich Zimmer, an Indologist and historian of South Asian art. By the request of Zimmer's widow, Campbell had edited four volumes of his posthumous writings. Jung, who had met Zimmer in 1932, had edited one of Zimmer's German works, entitled Der Weg zum Selbst. Campbell compiled as an editor six volumes of Eranos Yearbooks (1954-69), based on "shared feast" lectures various fields of learning held at Ascona in southern Switzwerland and originally published in the Eranos-Jahrbücher. Campbell also assisted Swami Nikhilananda in producing a translation of The Gospes of Sri Ramakrishna  (1942), edited The Portable Arabian Nights (1952), and provided folkloric commentaries for The Complete Grimm Fairy Tales (1944).

Campbell often used skillfully down-to-earth examples when he clarified the influence of myths on modern day thinking. In the essay 'The Impact of Science on Myth' (1961) from Myths to Live By he depicts a discussion he heard at a lunch counter. A young boy tells his mother, that his friend Jimmy wrote a paper on the evolution of man, but the teacher said he was wrong: Adam and Eve were our first parents. And the boy's mother confirms this fundamentalist claim. "What a mother for a twentieth-century child!" Campbell said.

For further reading: 'Joseph Campbell,' in ¡Some people!: Anecdotes, Images, and Letters of Persons of Interest by Robert Lima (2015); True Myth: C.S. Lewis and Joseph Campbell on the Veracity of Christianity by James W. Menzies (2014); The Innateness of Myth: A New Interpretation of Joseph Campbell's Reception of C.G. Jung by Ritske Rensma (2009); 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces: The Book by Joseph Campbell, Discussed by Dave Whomsley,' in Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches to Classical and World Myths by Eva M. Thury, Margaret K. Devinney (2009); The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work, edited by Phil Cousineau (2003); Joseph Campbell: A Fire in the Mind by Stephen and Robin Larsen (2002); Myth, Rhetoric, and the Voice of Authority by M. Manganaro (1991); Joseph Campbell: Fire in the Mind by S. Larsen and R.A. Larsen (1991); Joseph Campbell and the Study of Religion by D.C. Noel (1990); The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His life and Work, edited by P. Cousineau and S.L. Brown (1990; centennial edition 2003); An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation with Michael Toms edited by John M. Maher and Dennis Briggs (1988); Joseph Campbell by Robert A. Segal (1987)

Selected works:

  • The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 1942 (translator; with Swami Nikhilananda)
  • Where the Two Came to Their Father: A Navaho War Ceremonial, 1943 (with Maud Oakes and Jeff King)
  • A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, 1944 (with Henry Morton Robinson)
  • The Complete Grimm Fairy Tales, 1944 (contribution)
  • Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization / H.R. Zimmer, 1946 (edited by Joseph Campbell)
  • The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil / H.R. Zimmer, 1948 (edited by Joseph Campbell)
  • James Joyce: Two Decades of Criticism, 1948 (contribution)
  • The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 1948 - Sankarin tuhannet kasvot (suomentanut Hannes Virrankoski, 1990)
  • Philosophies of India / H.R. Zimmer, 1951 (ed.)
  • Psychoanalysis and Culture, 1951 (contribution)
  • The Portable Arabian Nights, 1952 (edited by Joseph Campbell)
  • The Art of Indian Asia, Its Mythology and Transformations / H.R. Zimmer, 1955 (comp. and ed.)
  • Basic Beliefs, 1959 (contribution)
  • The Masks of God, 1959-1968 (4 vols., Primitive Mythology, 1959; Oriental Mythology, 1962; Occidental Mythology, 1964; Creative Mythology, 1968)
  • Culture in History, 1960 (contribution)
  • Myth and Mythmaking, 1960 (contribution)
  • Papers from the Eranos Yearsbooks, 1969 (ed. Spirit and Nature, 1954; The Mysteries, 1955; Man and Time, 1957; Spiritual Disciplines, 1969; Man and Transformation, 1964; The Mystic Vision, 1969)
  • Stairways to the Mayan Gods, 1969 (filmscript)
  • Flight of the Wild Gander: Explorations in the Mythological Dimensios. Selected Essays, 1944-1968, 1969
  • Myths, Dreams, and Religion: Eleven Visions of Connection, 1970 (ed.) 
  • A Portable Jung, 1971 (edited by Joseph Campbell)
  • Myths To Live By, 1972
  • Erotic Irony and Mythic Forms in the Art of Thomas Mann, 1973
  • The Mythic Image, 1974 (with M.J. Adadie)
  • Myths, 1974 (contribution)
  • My Life and Lives: The Story of a Tibetan Incarnation / Rato Khyongla Nawang Losang, 1977 (edited by Joseph Campbell)
  • Tarot Revelations, 1982 (3rd ed., 1987)
  • The Way of the Animal Powers: Historical Atlas of World Mythology, 1983
  • The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, 1984
  • The Power of Myth, 1988 (with Bill Moyers)
  • Transformations of Myth Through Time, 1990
  • The Universal Myths, 1990 (with A. Eliot and M. Eliade)
  • A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living, 1995 (edited by Diane K. Osborn)
  • The Mythic Dimension: Selected Essays 1959-1987, 1997 (edited by Antony Van Couvering)
  • Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor, 2001 (edited by Eugene C. Kennedy)
  • Sake and Satori: Asian Journals -- Japan, 2002 (edited by David Kudler and Robert Walter)
  • Baksheesh and Brahman: Asian Journals - India, 2002 (edited by Robin Larsen, Stephen Larsen, Antony Van Couvering)
  • The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work, 2003 (edited by Phil Cousineau)
  • Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: Joseph Campbell on the Art of James Joyce, 2003 (edited and with a foreword by Edmond L. Epstein)
  • Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation, 2004 (edited and with a foreword by David Kudler)
  • Mythic Imagination: Collected Short Fiction, 2012 (introduction by David Kudler)
  • Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine, 2013 (edited by Safron Rossi)
  • Romance of the Grail: the Magic and Mystery of Arthurian Myth, 2015 (edited by Evans Lansing Smith)
  • Mythic Eorlds, Modern Words: Joseph Campbell on the Art of James Joyce , 2016 (edited and with a foreword by Edmund L. Epstein)
  • Asian Journals: India and Japan, 2017
  • The Ecstasy of Being: Mythology and Dance, 2017 (edited and with a foreword by Nancy Allison)
  • The Flight of the Wild Gander: Explorations in the Mythological Dimension--Selected Essays 1944-1968, 2018
  • Correspondence: 1927-1987, 2019 (edited by Evans Lansing Smith and Dennis Patrick)

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Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen (author) & Ari Pesonen. 2008-2023.

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