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for Books and Writers
by Bamber Gascoigne

Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)


English essayist, psychologist, a pioneer in establishing a modern, scientific approach to the study of sex. Havelock Ellis's magnum opus was Studies in the Psychology of Sex (7 vols., 1897-1928). Until 1935 his work was legally available only to the medical profession. Ellis became known as a champion of women's rights and of sex education, but his autobiography My Life (1939) reveals his marital problems and unhappiness in his own sexual life.

All advance in social reform, even when it involves surgery, is, and always has been, effected by heroic pioneers who are ready to act, and even, if need be, to become martyrs. They slowly win the world to their side. The law limps behind. (from My Confessional: Questions of Our Day, by Havelock Ellis, John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1934, p. 240)

Henry Havelock Ellis was born in Croydon, Surrey, the eldest child and onlyboy of Edward Peppen Ellis, a sea captain, and Susannah Mary (Wheatley) Ellis, the daughter of a sea captain. Able to read at an early age, Ellis voraciously devoured books; for sports he had no natural talent.

Ellis's years at private schools in London were uneventful, but his reading was omnivorous, from Rousseau's Rêveries d'un promeneour solitaire and Rowlandson's Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturescue to Macaulay's Essays, Milton and Burns. At the age of sixteen Ellis voyaged to Australia in a ship under his father's command, to begin life there on his own account. Ships, harbours and wharves, all the thing that belong to the sea, remained at the heart of his vision of himself.

While working as a teacher in New South Wales, Ellis underwent an inner transformation. In the novel Kanga Creek: An Australian Idyll (1922) and his autobiography Ellis looked back to this period: "Yet there has never been a moment when the foundation and background of my life have not been marked by the impress they received at Sparkes Creek." (My Life: The Autobiography of Havelock Ellis, Houghton Mifflin, 1939, p. 167) Living in the bush was cheap, the children gave him no trouble, and books of all kinds fed his intellect: "poems, novels, theology, religion, subjects of almost every class, science, strange as it must seem, occupying the smallest place, if, indeed, any place at all, but in that phase I was eager to grasp the whole rather than the parts; it was synthesis I was drawn to rather than analysis. Though I bought every book I wanted, my books were selected carefully and deliberately." (Ibid., pp. 158-159) After four years, he moved back to England. Ellis entered St. Thomas' Hospital, London, where he studied medicine from 1881 to 1889.

However, after qualifying Ellis practiced only for a short time. In 1891, Ellis married the English writer Edith Lees; he was still a virgin. From the beginning, their marriage was unconventional – the wedding breakfast consisted of porridge and at the end of the honeymoon, Ellis settled his barchelor rooms in Paddington and Edith lived at Fellowship house.

None of Ellis's four sisters ever married. "If men and women are to understand each other," Ellis once said, "to enter into each other's nature with mutual sympathy, and to become capable of genuine comradeship, the foundation must be laid in youth." (The Task of Social Hygiene, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1912, p. 58)

In 1883 Ellis met the South African writer Olive Schreiner. He did not aswer to her expectations, but they remained close friends until her death in 1920. "She possessd a powerful and physically passionate temperament," Ellis recalled. "We were not what can be technically, or even ordinarily, called lover. But the relationship of affectionate friendship which was really established meant more for both of us, and was really more intimate, than is often the relationship between those who technically and ordinarily are lovers." (My Life, p. 185)

In On Life and Sex: Essays of Love and Virtue (1921) Ellis referred to Schreiner's Woman and Labour(1911) and her theory that modern society produces a tendency to parasitism in women: " . . . they no longer exercise the arts and industries which were theirs in former ages, and so they become economically dependent on men, losing their energies and aptitudes, and becoming like those dull parasitic animals which live as blood-suckers of their host. That picture, which was of course never true of all women, is now ceasing to be true of any but a neglible minority". (Ibid., Garden City Publishing Company, 1922, p. 90) The letters of Schreiner and Ellis were published in 1992. It has been speculated that their relationship was unconsummated.

Until he was about 60, Ellis suffered from impotence. With the help of a devoted lover, he finally was able to get rid the erectile dysfunction; Ellis remained sexually active until he was 72. "I am regarded as an authority on sex, a fact which sometimes amused one or two (though not all) of my more intimate women friends," Ellis said. (My Life, p. 179)

During his time as a medical student, Ellis began writing for magazines, and become a staff member of the Westminster Review. At the meetings the Fellowship of the New Life Ellis made an acquaintance with G.B. Shaw (1856-1950), but when Shaw was attracted by Socialism and collective action, Ellis focused on the problems of individuals. However, Edward Carpenter's poem Towards Democracy (1883-1902), about the march of humanity toward socialism, inspired Ellis so much, that he sent Carpenter a letter, which started their long friendship.

In 1887 Ellis became editor of the Mermaid Series of unexpurgated reprints of Elizabethan and Jacobean drama. He worked on this project with such writers as Arthur Symons (1865-1945) and A.C. Swinburne (1837-1909). His first work of nonfiction, The Criminal (1890), appeared in the Contemporary Science Series, which he edited until 1914. Man and Woman (1894) examined the "scientific" views on women's inferiority. Ellis revised the book in 1929, and took a clear stance in the debate about the inherent inferiority of women: "The more comprehensive our investigation the more certainly we find that we cannot speak of inferiority or superiority, but that the sexes are perfectly poised in complete equivalence." ('Preface,' eighth edition revised, Heinemann, 1934, p. v)

Around the turn of the century Ellis experimented with the hallucinogen mescal, preceding Aldous Huxley who also studied hallucinogenic substances. W. B. Yeats, who was interested in the relationship between dreams, visions, and drugs, co-operated in the trials. The first result was an article, 'Mescal: a new artificial Paradise,' published in the Cotemporary Review in 1898, and then another, 'Mescal: a study of a divine planet' (1902). Yeats preferred hashish to mescal. He took hashish in tablets. (W.B. Yeats: A Life I: The Apprentice Mage, 1865-1914 by R.F. Foster, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 178)

Like Freud, Ellis based many of his ideas on Darwinian theories of evolution. His increasing concern with sexual matters let to Studies in the Psychology of Sex. It appeared in six volumes from 1897 to 1910. A seventh volume was published in 1928. The work explored sexual relations largely from a biological and multicultural perspective. Especially Ellis was interested in the typical sexual behavior of humans, paving way to the surveys of Alfred Kinsey and other modern writers on sexual topics. He objected Freud's application of adult sexual terms to infants, and tried to demystify human sexuality – most of his English readers were raised in the asexual, ignorant, and prejudiced Victorian climate. Masturbation, Ellis assured his readers, did not inevitably lead to serious illness. Ellis himself liked to watch women urinating. Once he persuaded his lover Françoise Cyon to do so in Oxford Circus. "I have read a good deal of Havelock Ellis on sex," Bertrand Russel wrote in a letter to Ottoline Morrell in January 1916. "I think almost all civilized people are in some way what would be thought abnormal, and they suffer because they don't know that really ever so many people are just like them." (Autobiography by Bertrand Russell, Routledge, 2009, p. 270)

Sexual Inversion, which challenged popular prejudices against homosexuals, was published in Germany in 1896 under the title Das Konträre Geschechtsfühl. When the book eventually came out in Britain – it was published by the Watford University Press – George Bedborough, the bookseller, who had stocked it, was arrested for selling "a certain lewd, wicked, bawdy, scandalous libel." ('International Sexual Reform and Sexology in Europe, 1897-1933' by Nicholas Matte, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, Volume 22 Issue 2, Fall 2005, p. 258) A British judge declare the Studies obscene. Just a few years earlier Oscar Wilde had been prosecuted for "acts of gross indecency with other male persons." In his work Ellis had presented some 80 cases of homosexual males, concluding that homosexual behavior was not a disease or a crime. This view was also maintained by the  Finnish sociologist, philosopher, and anthropologist Edvard Westermarck, with whom Ellis corresponded from 1902. Both Ellis and Westermarck advocated for decriminalization of homosexuality. With Edward Carpenter he established the British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology (BSSSP) in 1914. Westermarck was not its member but he gave a lecture at a meeting of the society in 1920.

The subsequent volumes of the Studies were published in the United States by F.A. Davis Company in Philadelphia. The seventh volume, Eonism and Other Supplementary Studies, appeared in 1928. After the ban was lifted, Random House produced to general readers a four-volume series of the work.

The last years of his life Ellis spent in retirement near Ipswich, is Suffolk. Havelock Ellis died of an apparent heart attack on July 8, 1939 in Hintlesham, Suffolk. His library was purchased by Yale University in 1941.

With The Task of Social Hygiene (1912) Ellis participated in the discussion about eugenics – he supported strongly "the science and art of Good Breeding in the human race": "Eventually, it seems evident, a general system, whether private or public, whereby all personal facts, biological and mental, normal and morbid, are duly and systematically registered, must become inevitable if we are to have a real guide as to those persons who are most fit, or most unfit to carry on the race. Unless they are full and frank such records are useless." (Ibid., p. 220) Thus Ellis did not condemn Nazi sterilization programmes, because it was based on "scientific" motivation. ('An Intellectual Titan of our Modern Renaissance: Havelock Ellis and the Progressive Tradition' by Chris Nottingham, Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 25, 1998, p.419) When the Nazis organized book burnings in Berlin and other German cities in May of 1933, Ellis was one of the non-Jewish writers, whose works were thrown in the fire. He was in the distinguished company of Thomas and Heinrich Mann and Émile Zola.

The poet H.D. (Hilda Doolitle), who was married to the writer and poet Richard Aldington, met Ellis in 1919. They corresponded for a number of years. H.D. identified herself as the "Person" in Ellis's essay 'A Revelation' (1924). Ellis called her "Hyacinth," she called him "Chiron," after the mythological centaur, who was the teacher of Achilles.

In addition to his studies on sexuality, Ellis wrote on authors such as Casanova, Nietzsche, Henrik Ibsen, Walt Whitman, and Leo Tolstoy. His essays on French writers were collected under the title From Rousseau to Proust (1935). A new edition of The Soul of Spain (1908), with an introductory essay on the Spanish Civil War, appeared in 1937. The Criminal introduced Cesare Lombroso's ideas to the British public – Ellis was quite sympathetic to the anarchist movement: "The political criminal is, as Lombroso calls him, "the true precursor of the progressive movement of humanity;" or, as Benedikt calls him, the homo nobilis of whom the highest type is Christ." (Ibid,. p. 1) Ellis's critical pieces from 1884 to 1932 on literature and art were reprinted in Views and Reviews (1932). His wide correspondence Ellis utilized in My Confessional: Questions of Our Day (1934), a collection of essays.

For further reading: Havelock Ellis, Philosopher of Love by Houston Peterson (1928); Friendship's Odyssey: The Autobiography of Francoise Delisle and the Story of Havelock Ellis from 1916 to 1939 by Francoise Delisle (1946); Sage of Sex: A Life of Havelock Ellis by Arthur Calder-Marshall (1959); Havelock Ellis, Artist of Life by John Stewart Collis (1959); The Modernization of Sex: Havelock Ellis, Alfred Kinsey, William Masters and Virginia Johnson by Paul Robinson (1976); Havelock Ellis, Philosopher of Sex by Vincent Brome (1979); Havelock Ellis: A Biography by Phyllis Grosskurth (1980); 'Ellis, (Henry) Havelock', in World Authors 1900-1950, Vol. 2, edited by Martin Seymour-Smith and Andrew C. Kimmens (1996); The Pursuit of Serenity: Havelock Ellis and the New Politics by Chris Nottingham (1999); Sciences of Modernism: Ethnography, Sexology, and Psychology by Paul Peppis (2014); 'H.D. and Havelock Ellis: Popular Science and the Gendering of Thought and Vision' by R. Pappas, in Women's Studies, Vol 38; Number 2 (2009); Sciences of Modernism: Ethnography, Sexology, and Psychology by Paul Peppis (2014); "An Abyss of Anarchy, Nihilism, and Despair": Historical Representations of Anarchists in Britain by Alexander Lee Jutila (2018)

Selected works:

  • ed.: Christopher Marlowe... With a General Introduction on the English Drama During the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I by J.A. Symonds, 1887
  • ed.: The Prose Writings of Heinrich Heine, 1887
  • ed.: T[homas] Middleton, 1887-1890 (2 vols)
  • ed.: John Ford, 1888
  • ed.: Nero and Other Plays, 1888 (with others)
  • ed: The Pillars of Society, and Other Plays (by H. Ibsen), 1888
  • The Criminal, 1890
  • The New Spirit, 1890
  • The Nationalisation of Health, 1892
  • Man and Woman: A Study of Secondary and Tertiary Sexual Characteristics, 1894 (rev. ed. in 1929)
  • Sexual Inversion, 1897 (with J.A. Symonds)
  • Affirmations, 1898
  • The Evolution of Modesty, The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity, Auto-Erotism, 1900
  • The Nineteenth Century, 1900
  • Analysis of the Sexual Impulse, Love and Pain, The Sexual Impulse in Women, 1903
  • A Study of British Genius, 1904
  • Sexual Selection in Man, 1905
  • Erotic Symbolism, The Mechanism of Detumescence, The Psychic State in Pregnancy, 1906
  • The Soul of Spain, 1908
  • Sex in Relation to Society, 1910
  • The Problem of Race-Regeneration, 1911
  • The World of Dreams, 1911
  • The Task of Social Hygiene, 1912
  • Impressions and Comments, 1914-1924 (3 vols.)
  • Essays in War-Time, 1916
  • The Philosophy of Conflict, 1919
  • On Life and Sex: Essays of Love and Virtue, 1921
  • Kanga Creek: An Australian Idyll, 1922
  • Little Essays of Love and Virtue, 1922
  • The Dance of Life, 1923
  • translator: Germinal (by Zola), 1924
  • Sonnets, with Folk Songs from the Spanish, 1925
  • Eonism and Other Supplementary Studies, 1928
  • The Art of Life, 1929 (selected and arranged by Mrs. S. Herbert)
  • More Essays of Love and Virtue, 1931
  • ed.: James Hinton: Life in Nature, 1931
  • Views and Reviews, 1932
  • Psychology of Sex, 1933
  • ed.: Imaginary Conversations and Poems: A Selection, by Walter Savage Landor, 1933
  • Chapman, 1934
  • My Confessional: Questions of Our Day, 1934
  • Questions of Our Day, 1934
  • From Rousseau to Proust, 1935
  • Selected Essays, 1936
  • Poems, 1937 (selected by John Gawsworth; pseudonym of T. Fytton Armstrong)
  • Love and Marriage, 1938 (with others)
  • My Life: An Autobiography of Havelock Ellis, 1939
  • Sex Compatibility in Marriage, 1939
  • From Marlowe to Shaw, 1950 (ed. by J. Gawsworth)
  • The Genius of Europe, 1950
  • Sex and Marriage, 1951 (ed. by J. Gawsworth)
  • The Unpublished Letters of Havelock Ellis to Joseph Ishill, 1954
  • The Letters of Olive Schreiner and Havelock Ellis, 1992 (ed. by Yaffa Claire Draznin)
  • Sexual Inversion: A Critical Edition, 2008 (Havelock Ellis and John Addington Symonds, 1897; edited by Ivan Crozier)
  • The Philosophy of Conflict, and other Essays in War-time (1919), 2017

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Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen (author) & Ari Pesonen. 2008-2023.

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