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for Books and Writers
by Bamber Gascoigne

Pär Lagerkvist (1891-1974)


One of the major Swedish writers of the first half of the 20th-century, a moralist, who used religious motifs and figures from the Christian tradition without strictly following the doctrines of the Church. A central theme in Pär Lagerkvist's work was the fundamental question of good and evil, which he examined through such figures as the medieval red-hooded hangman, Barabbas, and the wandering Jew Ahasuerus. Lagerkvist was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1951 "for the artistic power and deep originality with which in his literary work he seeks the answers to the eternal questions of mankind."

"The countryside opened around them in every direction, with marshlands, little lakes, all sorts of waters, with tiled strips, grazing lands, countless ploughed squares, with fenced pastures, bogs and woodlands and farmsteads scattered among the oats and the rye out in the sun. The light was so friendly and open everything could be seen, and in the distance Grandfather's place was in sight, sheltered in a group of maples." (in Guest of Reality by Pär Lagerkvist, translated by Robin Fulton, Quartet Books, 1989, p. 27)

Pär Lagerkvist was born in Växjö, a small town in Småland in southern Sweden, the son of Anders Johan Lagerkvist, a railroad official, and Johanna Blad. (His surname means "laurel sprig".) The family lived in an apartment above the station restaurant. From his pietistically inclined parents and grandparents Lagerkvist inherited a simple and unquestioning Lutheran faith. Later in a notebook he confessed that he felt grateful for the non-literary atmosphere of his home. He was an outsider, and did not share his parent's religiosity.

By the time Lagerkvist enrolled at the University of Uppsala, he had already become a convicted Darwinian, and had started to write poetry and fiction with philosophical themes. He studied art and literature for two years, but left his studies without taking a degree. The process of distancing himself from his grandparents' faith was not easy for the author. It is seen in his later works and autobiographical novel Gäst hos verkligheten (1925, Guest of Reality).

As a writer Lagerkvist made his debut with Människor (1912). The next year he visited Paris, where he became aware of new trends in the visual arts. In his theoretical essay 'Ordkonst och bildkonst' (1913) Lagerkvist rejected literary naturalism in favor of the elevation and simplicity found in Greek tragedy, the Old Testament, and the Icelandic sagas. His first volume of poems, Motiv (1914), did not receive much critical attention.

During the World War I Lagerkvist lived mostly in Denmark. There he wrote among other things for the theater. Den sista människan (1917,  The Last Man), a play, was followed by a collective work, Modern teater (1918), where he defended August Strinberg's late plays and his opposition to naturalism. Ångest (1916, Anguish), published in the middle of WWI, was a disillusioned collection of poems: "Anguish, anguish is my inheritance," was the opening line (Ångest, ångest är min arvedel / min strupes sår, / mitt hjärtats skri i världen). Lagerkvist's words were an expression of his inner pain. He tried to explore how a person can find a meaningful life in a world where love is nothing, the anguish of living is everything. This collection, which turned away from the traditional romantic expression, marked the beginning of poetic modernism in Sweden.

In Himlets hemlighet (1919, The Secret of Heaven), published in the collection Kaos, Lagerkvist posed the basic question, 'What is the meaning of life?' He implied that while this issue preoccupies human beings, it is a matter of total indifference to the Almighty. The play featured such symbolic figures as the Executioner and the Dwarf, who reappeared in subsequent works. Den svåra stunden (1918, The Difficult Hour) collected three one-act plays describing the moment of death.

In the 1920s Lagerkvist travelled in France and Italy. Among his works from the 1920s are Guest of Reality, Onda sagor (1924), Hjärtats sånger (1926, Songs of the Heart), and the drama Han som fick leva om sit liv (1928, The Man Who Lived His Life Over), in which Lagerkvist moved towards more realistic stage art. In his early books the author manifested socialistic and radical views, but gradually started using religious and moral themes in a historical context.

In the novella Det eviga leendet (The Eternal Smile, 1920) the setting is the realm of the dead, where the characters join in a search for God, "to call him in account of everything." God turns out to be an old forester, he is sawing wood, his clothes are old and worn, his hair is gray. In a dialogue about their creation they get the answer, repeatedly: "I have done the best I could." ('The Eternal Smile', translated by Erik Mesterton, in The Eternal Smile, and Other Stories, translated by Alan Blair, Erik Mesterton, Denys W. Harding, Carl Eric Lindin, Random House, 1954, pp. 56-57) The words echo Leibniz, "who invented the doctrine that this is the best of all possible worlds (to which L.H. Bradley added the sardonic comment "and everything in it is necessary evil."" (History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell, Routledge Classics, 2004, p. 533) Lagerkvist's belief in eternal love, and that life can be good and evil, is seen in Den lyckliges väg (1921) and Hjärtats sånger, which contains one of Lagerkvist's cited poems, 'Min älskade kommer inte åter': "Min älskade kommer inte åter / men min kärlek kommer åter till mig. / Det jag levat kommer inte åter, / men mitt liv är åter hos mig."

After 1930 Lagerkvist lived quietly in Lidingö, an island community near Stockholm. He was introvert and shy by nature, and rarely granted an interview and never allowed photographers to enter his home. But, like his countryman Eyvind Johnson, Lagerkvist reacted in several of his works to rising totalitarian ideologies. 

Bödeln (1933, The Hangman) was first published as a novella and then adapted into a play, staged by Per Lindberg. In the first part the reader meets the Hangman in a medieval tavern, from where he is transferred to modern times, to a jazz café in Nazi Germany. The Hangman never loses his essence as the embodiment of barbarism and brutality. Lindberg's stage version, premiered at The National Stage in Bergen, Norway, was an enormous success, but in Stockholm the play was called a fiasco. The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured the German embassy that it would probably not be staged elsewhere in Sweden. ('The Hangman by Pär Lagerkvist in the Netherlands: Politics and the Personal' by Petra Broomans, Scandinavica, Vol 51 No 2 2012, p. 107) Curiously, Lagerkvist's name and work was not in the 1933 "index" of books that were banned in Germany.

Den knutna näven (1934, The Clenched Fist), a collection of essays, was another call against fascism. On his way to Greece, Egypt and Palestine – when traveling by boat from Palestine towards Athens Lagerkvist got seasick – with his wife in the spring of 1933, Lagerkvist travelled through Germany and became alarmed by the path the country had taken. The Acropolis inspired him to declare: "For thousands of years it has not yielded. It summons its faitful, collects them anew around their most preciois possession. Not to visions of beauty, not to dreams and idleness. But to struggle! To uncompromising, unwearying struggle! To militant humanism! The clenched fist!" (The Clenched Fist, in Five Early Works by Pär Lagerkvist, Edwin Mellen Press, 1989, p. 200)

Moral problems and the crisis of humanism dominated Lagerkvist's writing of the 1930s and 1940s – he referred to himself as a "religious atheist." In September 1940 Lagerkvist was elected to the Swedish Academy, as successor to the writer Verner von Heidenstam, who had died in May 1940.

During the early years of WW II Lagerkvist published two patriotic books, Sång och strid (1940) and Hemmet och stjärnan (1942). The allegorical novel Dvärgen (1944, The Dwarf), about the dualities in life, the struggle between creative forces and destruction, was set in Renaissance Italy. Again the protagonist and narrator is an exceptional person, he is of an ancient race, born evil; his God is cruel and vengeful.  After his services to the Prince, a patron of arts, he is imprisoned. The Dwarf writes his diary: "I await other times and they will surely come, for I am not destined to sit here eternity. I shall have an opportunity of continuing my chronicle by the light of day as before, and my services will be required again." (The Dwarf, translated from the Swedish by Alexandra Dick, Hill and Wang, 1945, p. 228)

Dvärgen, along with Bödeln and Barabbas (1950), constitutes a cornerstone in Lagerkvist's oeuvre. Barabbas was the first of six historical novels set in the Holy Land and classical Delphi. Immediately hailed as a masterwork by many writers, among them André Gide, the work secured Lagerkvist's position as a leading candidate for the current year's Nobel Prize. But there were other candidates too: in a questionnaire sent out in 1949, Malcolm Cowley had suggested Mikhail Sholokhov, V.S. Pritchett suggested François Mauriac, and Benno Reiffenberg of the German Die Gegenwart nominated the editorial board of the English periodical Punch. ('Pär Lagerkvist, Barabbas and the Nobel Prize for Literature' by Håkan Möller, in Journal of World Literature 1, 2016, p. 507) In Sweden the novel sold sixty thousand copies in the first year of after publication and it was in a short time translated into nine language and made into a feature film in 1961, starring Anthony Quinn. "What was lacking, it has been agreed, were the spiritual subtlety, the simple beauty and the symbolic points of Pär Lagerkvist's fable, and even Quinn's creativity and acknowledged artistry were unable to infuse these elements into this Barabbas." (The Films of Anthony Quinn by Alvin H. Marrill, Citadel Press, 1975, p. 193)

The title character, the criminal in the New Testament, is pardoned instead of Christ, and is sentenced to the silver mines. He is incapable of loving, but in the course of events he becomes gradually aware of greater forces guiding his life. At the end, when he is imprisoned and condemned to be crucified, Barabbas acknowledges his fate: "Was there any meaning in the life he had led? Not even that did he believe in. But this was something he knew nothing about. It was not for his to judge." (Barabbas, translated by Alan Blair, Vintage Books, 1986, p. 178)

Sibyllan (1958, The Sybil) starts the story of the Wandering Jew, cursed with eternal life. Struggling to understand his fate, he seeks out an old priestess of the Oracle at Delphi, who has been driven from the temple. The pilgrimage continues in Ahasverus död (1960, The Death of Ahasuerus), where he meets Tobias, a criminal, who is at the same time a good man. Ahasuerus finally finds peace, and he is allowed to die as a reward for abandoning his obsessive religious concerns.

Other tales probing religious questions include Pilgrim på havet (1964, Pilgrim at Sea), which deals symbolically with loneliness and humanity's search for belief, Det heliga landet (1966, The Holy Land), and Mariamne (Herod and Mariamne, 1967). The title character is the wife of Herod the Great. In the story she is portrayed as a Madonna-like woman. She never blames her husband for anything. Herod hires a man, who looks just like him, to kill Mariamne, and after her death, Herod continues his life just as before: "An emblem of mankind : mankind that replenishes the earth but whose race shall one day be erased from it and, so far as may be conjured, will leave no memorial." (Herod and Mariamne, translated from the Swedish by Naomi Walford, Vintage Books, 1982, p. 119) In illustrations made by Olavi Vepsäläinen for the Finnish translation from 1969 they are depicted as mythological figures, accompanied with apocalyptic horses.

Lagerkvist was married twice. His marriage with Karen Sørensen, a Dane, was unhappy. They had one daughter, Elin. After divorce he married in 1925 Elaine Luella Hallberg, the widow of the painter Gösta Sandels, who had died tragically in Grenada in 1919. Hjärtats sånger contained some love poems dedicated to E. "Dig rörde aldrig mörket, / fast livet sorg dig gav, / fast ibland mörka skuggor / du stod vid öppnad grav, / fast du i smärta prövats, / fastän du led som vi / – men omkring dig var ljuset / dom ej får mörker bli."

Lagerkvist died in Stockholm on July 11, 1974. His personal material had been removed to Stockholm's Kungliga Bibliotek, not to be read until he was dead. Although Lagerkvist was reticent about his private life, he depicted in the novella Guest of Reality his early years in Småland. In 1977 Elin Lagerkvist published extracts from her father's diaries and notes under the title Antecknat. Ur efterlämnade dagböcker och anteckningar. There is also poems excluded from the final version of Aftonland.

For further reading: In the Footsteps of Kierkegaard: Modern Ethical Literature by Józef Wittlin and Pär Lagerkvist by Katarzyna Szewczyk-Haake; translated by Agnieszka Gicala (2022); Pär Lagerkvist - den kämpande humanisten by Susanne Wigorts Yngvesson; redaktör: Magnus Eriksson (2021); Pär Lagerkvists landskap, edited by Magnus Eriksson, Peter Forsgren (2017); Tjörn genom Pär Lagerkvists ögon by Ann-Charlotte Dahlstedt (2016); Pär Lagerkvist: ögonblickets diktare och marknaden by Håkan Möller (2012); Den politiske Lagerkvist, ed. by Margareta Petersson, Christer Knutsson (2011); Pär Lagerkvist talar, ed. by Margareta Petersson, Christer Knutsson (2011); Pär Lagerkvist and Cubism: a Study of His Theory and Practice: a Critical Essay by Ellestad M. Everett (rev. ed., 2009); Brinn du eviga längtan: Pär Lagerkvists livslånga brottning med Gud och livets mening by Lars Holmberg (2008); Ett författarskap speglat i språket: struktur och stil i Pär Lagerkvists prosa by Bengt Brodow (2003; Sagan, myten och modernismen i Pär Lagerkvists tidigaste prosa och Onda sagor by Karin Fabreus (2002); 'Literature Democratized: Working-Class Writers of the 1930s' by Rochelle Wright, in A History of Swedish Literature, ed by L.G. Warme (1996); Pär Lagerkvist by Ingrid Schöier (1987); A History of Scandinavian Literature, 1870-1980 by Sven H. Rossel (1982); 'Lagerkvist, Pär' by R.D.S. [Robert D. Spector], in Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature, edited by Jean-Albert Bédé and William B. Edgerton (1980; Pär Lagerkvist in America by Ray Lewis White (1979); Gud, matos och kärlek by Willy Jönsson (1978); Pär Lagerkvist by Lennart Sjöberg (1976); Pär Lagerkvist’s Development as a Dramatist: A Study in Theory and Practice by Robert Thomas Rovinsky (1974); Pär Lagerkvist by R.D. Spector (1973); Menneske-hjertets verden by Gunnel Malmström (1970); Pär Lagerkvist: A Critical Essay by W. Weathers (1968); Främlingen Lagerkvist by Kai Henmark (1966); Pär Lagerkvist in translation by Anders Ryberg (1964); Pär Lagerkvist: An Introduction by I. Scobbie (1963); Pär Lagerkvist by Otto Oberholzer (1958); Pär Lagerkvist by Gustaf Fredén (1954); Livsproblemet hos Pär Lagerkvist by Jöran Mjöberg (1951) - Suomeksi on myös julkaistu novellikokoelma Kuolleet, jotka etsivät Jumalaa (1935) ja kokoelma Runoja (1953), suom. Viljo Kajava

Selected works:

  • Människor: novell, 1912
  • Två sagor om livet, 1913
  • Ordkonst och bildkonst: om modärn skönlitteraturs dekadans, 1913 (foreword by August Brunius)
    - Literary and Pictorial Art: On the Decadence of Modern Literature (translated by Roy Arthur Swanson and Everett M. Ellestad, 1991)
  • Motiv, 1914
  • Järn och människor: noveller, 1915
    - Iron and Men (translated by Roy Arthur Swanson, in Five Early Works, 1988)
  • Ångest, 1916
  • Sista människan: ett drama, 1917 (play)
    - The Last Man (translated by Roy Arthur Swanson, in Five Early Works, 1988)
  • Teater: Den svåra stunden, tre enaktare: Modern teater, Synpunkter och angrepp, 1918
    - Modern Theater: Points of View and Attack (translated by Thomas R. Buckman, 1961)
  • Den svåre stunden I-III, 1918
    - The Difficult Hour I-III (tr., in Modern Theatre: Seven Plays and an Essay, 1966)
  • Kaos, 1919
  • Himlens hemlighet, 1919 (play)
    - The Secret of Heaven (tr., in Modern Theatre: Seven Plays and an Essay, 1966)
  • Det eviga leendet, 1920
    - The Eternal Smile: Three Stories (Erik Mesterton, Denys W. Harding, and David O'Gorman, 1934) / The Eternal Smile, and Other Stories (translated by Alan Blair and others, 1954) / The Eternal Smile: Three Stories (translated by Erik Mesterton, Denys W. Harding, and David O’Gorman, 1971)
  • Den lyckliges väg, 1921
  • Den osynlige: skådespel i tre akter, 1923 (play)
  • Onda sagor, 1924
  • Valda sidor, 1925
  • Gäst hos verkligheten: vid en järnvägsstation, 1925
    - Guest of Reality (translated by Erik Mesterton and Denys W. Harding, 1936; Robin Fulton, 1989)
  • Hjärtats sånger, 1926
  • Det besegrade livet, 1927
  • Han som fick leva om sitt liv: skådespel i tre akter, 1928 (play)
    - The Man Who Lived His Life Over (tr., in Five Modern Scandinavian Plays, 1971)
  • Kämpande ande, 1930
  • Själarnas maskerad, 1930
  • Vid lägereld, 1932
  • Skrifter, 1932 (3 vols.)
  • Konungen: skådespel i tre akter, 1932 (play)
    - The King (tr., in Modern Theatre: Seven Plays and an Essay, 1966)
  • Bödeln, 1933
    - Hangman (tr. 1936; in Modern Theatre: Seven Plays and an Essay, 1966)
  • Bödeln, 1934 (play)
  • Den knutna näven, 1934
    - The Clenched Fist (translated by Roy Arthur Swanson, in Five Early Works, 1988)
  • I den tiden, 1935
  • Mannen utan själ: skådespel i fem akter, 1936 (play)
    - The Man Without a Soul (translated by H. Koekeritz, 1944; in Scandinavian Plays of the Twentieth Century, Ser. 1, 1971)
  • Genius, 1937
  • Seger i mörker: skådespel i fyra akter, 1939 (play)
  • Den befriade människan, 1939
  • Sång och strid, 1940
  • Dikter, 1941
  • Midsommardröm i fattighuset: skådespel i tre akter, 1941 (play)
    - Midsummer Dream in the Workhouse (translated by Alan Blair, 1953)
  • Hemmet och stjärnan, 1942
  • Dvärgen, 1944
    - The Dwarf (translated by Alexandra Dick, 1945)
    - Kääpiö (suom. Helka Varho, 1945)
  • Prosa, 1945
  • Dramatik, 1946
  • De vises sten, 1947 (play)
    - The Philosopher's Stone (translated by Thomas R. Buckman, in Modern Theatre: Seven Plays and an Essay, 1966)
  • Låt människan leva, 1949 (play)
    - Let Man Live (translated by H. Alexander and L. Jones, in Scandinavian Plays of the Twentieth Century, 1951)
  • Prosa, 1949 (5 vols.)
  • Barabbas, 1950
    - Barabbas (translated by Alan Blair, 1951; with a preface by Lucien Maydy and a letter by André Gide, Vintage Books, 1986)
    - Barabbas (suom. Lauri Hirvensalo, 1950)
    - film 1961, produced by Dino De Laurentis, directed by Richard Fleisher, screenplay by Christopher Fry, starring Anthony Quinn (Barabbas), Silvana Mangano, Ernest Borgnine, Jack Palance. "Overlong epic which starts with a genuine eclipse of the sun and has nowhere to go but down. The cast sparks a few moments, but it is generally a gaudy display of carnage." (Halliwell's Film Guide by Leslie Halliwell, sixth editon, 1987, p. 71)
  • Aftonland, 1953
    - Evening Land (translators: W.H. Auden and Leif Sjöberg, 1975; Anthony Barnett, 2001; Evening land / Kamal Maarof, 2009)
  • The Marriage Feast and Other Stories, 1954 (translated by Alan Blair and Carl Eric Lindin)
  • Dramatik, 1956 (3 vols.)
  • Sibyllan, 1956
    - The Sibyl (translated by Naomi Walford, 1958)
    - Sibylla (suom. Mika Waltari, 1956
  • Ahasverus död, 1960
    - The Death of Ahasuerus (translated by Naomi Walford, 1962)
    - Ahasveruksen kuolema (suom. Eila Pennanen, 1960)
  • Pilgrim på havet, 1962
    - Pilgrim at Sea (translated by Naomi Walford, 1964)
    - Pyhiinvaeltaja merellä (suom. Eila Pennanen, 1962)
  • Det heliga landet, 1965
    - The Holy Land (translated by Naomi Walford, 1966)
    - Pyhä maa (suom. Eila Pennanen, 1965)
  • Valda dikter, 1965 (foreword by Sven Lindner)
  • Dikter, 1
  • Prosa. Ahasverus’ död, Pilgrim på havet, Det heliga landet, 1966
  • Modern Theater: Seven Plays and an Essay, 1966 (translated by Thomas R. Buckman)  
  • Mariamne, 1967
    - Herod and Mariamne (translated by Naomi Walford, 1968)
    - Mariamne (suom. Kristiina Kivivuori; illustrated by Olavi Vepsäläinen 1969)
  • Antecknat: ur efterlämnade dagböcker och anteckningar, 1977 (edited by Elin Lagerkvist)
  • Den svåra resan, 1985
  • Five Early Works, 1988 (translated by Roy Arthur Swanson; contains Iron and Men; The Last Man; The Expectant Guest; The Morning; The Clenched Fist)
  • Brev, 1991 (edited by Ingrid Schöier)
  • Brev till och från Pär Lagerkvist: från Heidenstam till Forssell, 2006 (edited by Margareta Petersson, Christer Knutsson)
  • Pär Lagerkvist om bildkonsten, 2009 (edited by Margareta Petersson, Christer Knutsson)
  • Samlade dikter, 2016 (med förord av Fredrik Lindström)
  • Onda sagor, 2017 (med förord av John Ajvide Lindqvist)
  • Gäst hos verkligheten, 2019 (med förord av Ola Larsmo)

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