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for Books and Writers
by Bamber Gascoigne

Villy Sørensen (1929-2001)


Danish philosopher, short-story writer, and essayist, a modernist storyteller with an absurdist flavor. In the tradition of his great countryman Hans Christian Andersen, Villy Sørensen developed his philosophical and psychological views as an integral part of his fiction. Sørensen explored the realms of the fantastic, and the individual's confrontation with the unknown parts of self. His style is misleadingly clear but hides a multi-layered and ironic interpretation of the world. Sørensen's psychological insights have invited comparison with those of Franz Kafka.

""We never get any food now, because she says there's a tiger in the kitchen. Of course, I wanted to go in and chase it out, but she has locked the door and hidden the key. I was just reading about tigers in the encyclopædia. There is plenty about them, but nothing about them living kitchens."" (in Tiger in the Kitchen and Other Strange Stories by Villy Sørensen, translated by Maureen Neiiendam, 1957, p. 3)

Villy Sørensen was born in Frederiksberg, near Copenhagen, the son of Johannes Peder  Sørensen, a railway conductor, and Anna Mathilde Thomsen. He attended the Vestre Borgerdydskole, and graduated in 1947. Sørensen then studied philosophy at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Freiburg.

During the post-World War II period Sørensen became a major figure in Danish intellectual life. From 1959 to 1963 he co-edited with Klaus Rifbjerg Vindrosen (The wind rose), the leading Danish modernist journal of its time. In 1965 he became a member of the Danish Academy. From 1978 to 1981 he was the editor of På Vej, and Gyldendal Kulturbibliotek from 1987 to 1991. Sørensen died on December 16, 2001. Although he lived alone most of his life, he had a wide circle of friends, who included Niels Barfoed, Klaus Rifbjerg, Vagn Lundbye, Ib Michael, Sven Holm and Suzanne Brøgger. Due to chronic back pain, he didn't travel much and was also compelled to withdrew from public appearances. Sørensen often invited colleagues and friends to his home in Taarbæk. 

Sørensen received several awards, including the Danish Critics Prize (1959), Danish Academy Prize (1962), Gyldendal Prize (1965), Nathansen Award (1969), Holberg Medal (1973), Brandes Prize (1973), Steffens Prize (1974), Nordic Council Prize (1974), Amalienborg Prize (1977), Hans Christian Andersen Award (1983), Swedish Academy Nordic Prize (1986), Poul Henningsen Prize (1987), Wilster Prize (1988), and Paul Hammerich Prize (1994). Sørensen had an honorary degree from the University of Copenhagen.

Sørensen's first collection of stories, Sære historier (1953, Tiger in the Kitchen and Other Strange Stories), in which the comic and the tragic lie inseparably close in the world of children, marked the beginning of Danish modernism in literature. The work included the macabre tale 'Blot en drengestreg' (Child's Play), about two brothers who play doctors and amputate the leg of an another boy.

Sære historier was followed two years later by Ufarlige historier. Sørensen's third collection, Formynderfortællinger 1964) dealt with authority and rebellion in contemporary society. His material Sørensen drew from the Bible, legends, ballads, world literature and history. In the short story 'Another Metamorphosis' the invisible narrator observes two German brothers, who have bought a doll’s house for their father. He has returned home from a nursing home, where they have shrunk him – he is some 20 or 30 centimeters tall. 

In the 1960s Sørensen participated in the social and political debate through the translations of Kafka's short stories and works on Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer. He also edited Karl Marx's Økonomi of filosofi (1962) but insisted that he had no special political agenda – the political and the aesthetic were not radically distinct in his work. Though Sørensen criticized the emphasis on materialistic values, he saw in the idea of the welfare state a system, where it is "possible for the individual to regard the entire social sphere as something inessential." ('The Permanent Reception – 150 Years of Reading Kierkegaard' by Steen Tullberg, in Kierkegaard's International Reception, Tome I: Northern and Western Europe, edited by Jon Stewart, 2009, p. 85) His own inner conflicts Sørensen recognized in the character of Seneca, the 1st-century poet, thinker, and a statesman. Seneca: The Humanist at the Court of Nero (1976) drew paralles between the metropolis of Rome and Nero's court and our contemporary society: "If Seneca appears to be more modern than many philosopher who are closer to us in time, it is, of course, partly because present-day Europe has more in common with the city of Rome than with the more limited and enclosed society of pre-industrialised Europe. With its worship of quantity, its lack of common spiritual values, its wealth and its poverty, its enjoyment of life and its spleen, its search for entertainment and for salvation, its individualism and its mass psychosis, Rome was the great precursor of our own urban civilization." (Ibid., p. 9) 

In 'The Enemy,' from Sære historier, a village is annihilated by a man who burns with his glare his enemies, but saves a dark-eyed girl. He tells how he would have saved all if he had known that he would meet the girl there. The girl asks in disappointment whether he had not come for her? The burned soldiers kill the man, the village is rebuilt but the girl never marries. 'A Tale of Glass' from Formynderfortællinger depicts with seemingly simplicity the consequences of an optician's invention of a glass which transforms the perception of those who peer through it so that the world looks good.

Ragnarok (1982, The Downfall of the Gods) and Apollons oprør (1989) were the first two volumes of a trilogy on Norse, Greek, and Judeo-Christian mythology. In Ragnarok Sørensen took his subject from the 10th-century Icelandic poem Völuspá, in which Ragnarok is the great battle which provides a climax for the "Twilight of the Gods" in Norse Mythology. Sørensen's work is much based on Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda (ca. 1220). Ragnarok's language is derived from fairy tales – it is explicit but conveys meanings that connect ancient gods to the modern world and eternal philosophical problems. Among the central characters is Loki, who is not good, not bad, but a kind of trickster-character. In 'Balder's dream' the god of light and justice is troubled by a recurrent dream, in which he is killed by other gods but not Loki. He is afraid of death and asks himself why Odin, the god of wisdom, war and death, doesn't do anything to stop Ragnarok, the end of the world. But if Odin, the supreme god, has no knowledge of Ragnarok, what kind of god was he then?

Vejrdage (1980) is a collection of reflections in verse and prose in the form of diary entries from the summer of 1979. One of the central themes is the way words change or extend their meanings. Søren Kierkegaard, German existentialism and the writings of Martin Heidegger have deeply influenced Sørensen's vision of the divided self of the modern individual. His philosophically orientated writings include Digtere og dæmoner (1959), Hverken-eller (1961), and Jesus og Kristus (1992). During a stay in Vienna, he became interested in the self-portraits of the Expressionist painter and draughtsman Egon Schiele (1890-1918), who died in the influenze epidemic of 1918.

In Formynderfortællinger Sørensen examined through the figures of Judas and Saint Paul free will and determinism. As an essayist Sørensen has questioned the materialism and rationalism of the day. Originally he started to write philosophically in order to explain what he had said in his fiction. He did not consider himself as an essayist: "I do not regard myself as anything described by a word ending in -ist. Neither philosophically nor artistically." ('Sørensen, Villy' by Vivian Greene-Gantzberg, in Encyclopedia of The Essay, edited Tracy Chevalier, 1997, p. 787) Mostly Sørensen's did not go beyond the common stock of themes: they included the breakdown of values, threats of totalitarian ideologies, and the contrasting relationships between art and democracy, intellect and emotion, body and soul.

Unlike many of his Norwegan or Swedish colleagues, Sørensen did not sympathize with the radical movements of the 1960s, but felt closer to the cultural tradition, which was associated with the classical ideals of order, balance and moderation. When the New Left saw that freedom is a matter of communal interaction, Sørensen considered freedom as individual's personal fulfilment. He argued in his essay collections Den gyldne middlelvej (1979) and Demokratiet og kunsten (1988) that human life can best flourish at some distance from both Marxist-Leninist socialism  and unregulated capitalism. However, Uprør fra midten (1978, Revolt from the Center), a political vision of the future, co-authored with Niels I Meyer and K. Helweg-Pedersen, provoked a heated debate and accusations of totalitarian views. The writers suggested that the political establishment should launch a reform of the welfare state before the radical fringe seized the initiative.

For further reading: Ninka interviewer Villy Sørensen igen by Anne Wolden-Ræthinge (2020); Villy Sørensen og kulturkonservatismen by Kasper Støvring (2011); 'The Body Doubled. Villy Sørensen's "Duo"  and the Truth of the Body' by Nathaniel Kramer, in Norlit 2009, August 6-9, (2009); Det etiske kunstværk: Villy Sørensens poetik og litterære kritik by Kasper Støvring (2006); Midtens vovestykke: Om Villy Sørensens essayistiske forfatterskab by Carl Steen Pedersen (2000); 'Sørensen, Villy' by Vivian Greene-Gantzberg, in Encyclopedia of The Essay, edited Tracy Chevalier (1997); 'The Comic Conception of Reality. The Relationship between the Comic, Language, and Cognition in the Works of Villy Sørensen' by Catarina Testa, in Scandinavian Studies, LXIV (1992): 'Villy Sørensen,' in A History of Danish Literature, edited by Sven H. Rossel (1992); 'Sørensen, Villy' by S.H.R. [Sven H. Rossel], in Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature, edited  Jean-Albert Bédé and William B. Edgerton (1980); Litterær arkæologi. Studier i Villy Sørensens Formynderfortællinger by Jørgen Bonde Jensen (1978); Villy Sørensen. En ideologi-kritisk analyse by Ebbe Sønderriis (1972); A History of Danish Literature by P.M. Mitchell (1971)

Selected works:

  • Sære historier, 1953 - Strange Stories (Secker & Warburg, London, 1956) /  Tiger in the Kitchen and Other Strange Stories (introd. by Angus Wilson, tr.  Maureen Neiiendam, 1957) - Tarinoita (suom. Arto ja Kirsti Ingervo, 1968)
  • Ufarlige historier, 1955 - Harmless Tales (tr. Paula Hostrup-Jessen, 1991) - Tarinoita (suom. Arto ja Kirsti Ingervo, 1968)
  • Digtere og dæmoner: Fortolkninger og vurderinger, 1959
  • Søren Kierkegaard: Begrebet Angest, 1960 (ed.)
  • Hverken-eller: Kritiske betragtningen, 1961
  • Økonomi og filosofi by Karl Marx, 1962 (ed.)
  • Nietzsche, 1963
  • Formynderfortællinger, 1964 - Tutelary Tales (tr. Paula Hostrup-Jessen, 1988)
  • Herman Bang: Haabløse Slægter, 1965 (ed.)
  • H.C. Andersen: Eventyr og historier, 1965 (ed.)
  • William Shakespeare: Skuespil, 1966 (ed.)
  • Kafkas digtning, 1968
  • Schopenhauer, 1969
  • Mellem fortid og fremtid, 1969
  • Midler uden mål. 1971
  • Uden mål - og med, moralske tanker, 1973
  • Seneca, humanisted ved Neros hof, 1976 - Seneca: The Humanist at the Court of Nero (tr. W. Glyn Jones, 1984)
  • Martin A. Hansen: The Book, 1978 (translator, with Anne Born)
  • Uprør fra midten, 1978 (with Niels I Meyer and K. Helweg-Pedersen) - Revolt from the Center (tr. Christine Hauch, 1981)
  • Det gyldne middelvej, og andere debatindlæg i 1970erne, 1979 [The Golden Mean] 
  • Vejrdage, betragtninger 1980
  • The Dream of the Woman by Knud Hjortø, 1980 (translator, with Anne Born)
  • Alladin, 1981 (with Errol le Cain)
  • Ragnarok, en gudefortælling, 1982 - The Downfall of the Gods (tr. Paula Hostrup-Jessen, 1989) - Ragnarök: jumalten tuho (suomentanut Mika Siimes, 1998)
  • Røret om uprøret, 1982 (with Niels I Meyer and K. Helweg-Pedersen)
  • H.C. Branner: The Mountains  (translator, with Anne Born)
  • Richard Wagner: Kunsten og revolutionen, 1983 (ed.)
  • En gudedrøm, ballet for Nyt Danske Danseteater, 1984
  • Erasmus Roterodamus: Skøn er krigen for den uerfarne (Dulce bellum inexpertis, 1984 (translator)
  • De mange og De enkelte og andre småhistorier, 1986 - Another Metamorphosis & Other Fictions (tr.  Tiina Nunnally and Steven T. Murray, 1990)
  • Herman Bang: Tine, 1986  (ed.)
  • Herman Bang: Tunge Melodier, 1987  (ed.)
  • Søren Kierkegaard: Enten-Eller, 1988  (ed.)
  • Demokratiet og kunsten, 1988 [Democracy and Art]
  • Tilløb: dagbog 1949-53, 1988
  • Den berømte Odysseus, 1988 (illustrated by Andy Li Jørgensen)
  • Apollons oprør: de udødeliges historie, 1989
  • Forløb: dagbog 1953-61, 1990
  • Demokratiske visioner by Walt Whitman, 1991 (ed.)
  • Den frie vilje, 1992
  • Jesus og Kristus, 1992
  • Perioder: dagbog 1961-74, 1993
  • Historien om Ødipus, 1995 (with Roald Als)
  • Grimms eventyr, 1995 (translator)
  • Blot en drengestreg, 1996 (with Pernille Kløvedal Helweg)
  • Franz Kafka: Drømme, 1998 (translator)
  • På egne veje: erindring, kommentar, polemik, 2000
  • En ensom fugl, 2000
  • 55 bagateller: prosatekster, 2002
  • Sørensen om Andersen: Villy Sørensen udvalgte artikler om H.C. Andersen, 2004 (ed. Torben Brostrøm)
  • Samlede historier 1-2, 2010
  • Jeg fik det, 2010
  • Sørensen om Kierkegaard, 2011 (Villy Sørensens udvalgte artikler)

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Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen (author) & Ari Pesonen. 2008-2020.

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